Behind the scenes of our production

Meemoza exists thanks to all of our partners, our seamstresses and you, dear supporters. It's important for us to inform you about our working methods, to allow you to immerse yourself further in our reality and to get to know our community of local workers. Transparency and accessibility have been a part of our core values since our early beginnings!

Buying Locally:

Avoir à cœur le travail de tous les intervenants

Quand nous parlons de notre community of local workers, we are not kidding! Each of our garments comes from the work of several people. The production of the fabrics, the design, the cutting, and sowing are just a start. There is also quality control, handling and merchandising on store floors, to name just a few more.

En choisissant Meemoza, vous supporting a complete network of workers et vous reinvesting in your own economy by encouraging socially responsible wages ainsi que l'utilisation de matières éco-responsables comme le coton bio. Ces tissus impliquent plus de travail pour s'assurer d'un moindre impact sur l'environnement. Visitez la section Sustainable fashion, pour en savoir plus sur ces tissus.

Un impact environnemental réduit, dès l’étape du design

Being sustainable all the way, we produce only 2 collections per year, available in limited quantities to counter the negative impact of overproduction and fast fashion.

The development of our collections is thoughtful and streamlined to, offer an assortment of essential, timeless, practical pieces, which can be worn season after season. Nos collections ont donc moins de variété (et sont disponibles en quantités limitées) afin d’encourager la consommation moins fréquente de vêtements de qualité qui ne devront pas être constamment remplacés.

La récupération dans tous les secteurs possibles

Since our foundation in 2011, our dedication to work with sustainable materials has been a challenge. There is not as much choice on the market, and rarely are prints available. The volume also determines the number of options. Finding ourselves limited in the variety of fabrics we wanted to offer, we started introducing reclaimed unused materials that we procured from other manufacturers.

The other way around, we manage our waste (remnants, trimmings, etc.) by giving them to other makers for their own production.

All the materials that we use for our activities, whether for administrative work or for packaging, are reused or recycled. We use recycled envelopes for mailings (we don’t over package), and for deliveries to shops, we reuse garment bags, as well as shipping boxes.
