FREE RETURNS on Regular Price Exchanges in Canada*

We pay the transport for the return of your order. The transport of the item desired in exchange is payable on the return portal.
- Regular Price Orders (no coupons, no discounts) : If you choose Instant Exchange on the same product (or if you place your exchange order for a different item, refundable upon receipt of your return)

1st Shipment Your Original Order
2nd Shipment Your Return
3rd Shipment Your Exchange (If your original delivery was free you only pay for this 3rd Shipment)

Of these 3 shipments, 2 maximum are free (2 free if the Delivery of +$189 (regular price) is Free + Free Return for Instant Exchange).
- Order with a coupon or discount : Out of 3 shipments, 1 maximum is free (1 free when the original Delivery of +$189 (regular price) was Free)

Returns can only be exchanged or credited to a gift card (valid for life and redeemable online). We do not offer refunds.

*Cannot be combined with any promotional coupon or discount. In this case the cost of the return label + 1 restocking fee applies for each item:
Qc + On: $14,95 - Other provinces: $17,95 - International : $19,95 (applicable at all times for International returns)
Discounted items (25% and +) can also be exchanged. They can be exchanged for the same style in another color or size, depending on available inventory. Delivery charges apply.
Free shipping does not apply to orders paid with a Credit Note. In preparation for the shipment of your next order, the amount of a shipping label is therefore deducted from the credit note (the system does not allow refusing free shipping according to the payment method, so this is managed manually).
Lingerie: final sale for hygiene reasons.

Meemoza & Co Market :

These products are final sale, and cannot be paid for with credit notes obtained in exchange for clothing.
