Dear supporter & ethical fashion enthusiast,
It’s been a tough couple of weeks, am I right? We’re keeping busy and sending you positive vibes in these quieter times. We view this as a fresh start, and we selected some principles to guide us along the way. We hope they can inspire you too!
Since the begining of the year (and for a while already) everything was going faster and faster. We put ourselves asside for a long time, leaving to tomorrow the activity of sharing more about our team, our story and our work ethics.
Remember that we’re all in the same place. Our team therefore chooses to concentrate on our community, and team up to face this challenge and come out of it stronger together!
Stay tuned during this adventure!
On this note, do something that makes you feel good right now! #mentalhealth
And take the time to collect beautiful moments with your loved ones!
- Emilie Rioux Ethical Designer & Founder
Now, more than ever, each action you take will allow us to remain at your service and to continue making this world a better place.
- Leave us a review on Google - Follow us on Facebook or Instagram - Check out our Retailers list and follow them on Social media / Check out their Online Shop - Look out for our Upcoming Fall 2020 Crowdfunding Campaign for an Exclusive Look at our Next Collection |